Friday, August 31, 2018

You wouldn't believe it, but.....

The last two months I have really done well for myself. I have managed to pick myself up and do things better for myself. After a conversation with my therapist where she thought a group home setting might be more beneficial than living alone, I picked myself up from the depths of where I was, and I have slept when I needed to sleep, eaten when I needed to eat, brushed my teeth, showered, cleaned up, cared for foster kittens, driven for uber/lyft to supplement for lost costs, processed in therapy, applied for jobs, got hired at a job, and am currently dealing with a doctor who is discriminating against my mental health diagnoses and the fact that I take psychiatric medications, no kidding.

So, he says, "are you having mood swings as a side effect of your medications?"
I reply, "I'd like to think my medications are preventing me from having mood swings."

He asks, "What are the diagnosees you are being treated for?"
I reply with the two most prominent, "Bipolar and PTSD"
"and what is that?"
"Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder." (in my head I ask myself, "are you kidding me? You're a doctor? Seriously, take some continuing education.")

This is the physical form I needed back by yesterday for my job that he highlighted and said something was showing up in the "physical" examination. Mind you, this states that if something is out of the ordinary that would effect my job performance due to vision, hearing, physical performance, and communicable diseases.... (it also mentions substance abuse, which I have no problems with.) So, my question... How many people out there providing child care are on some time of psychiatric medication? An anti-depressant? An anti-anxiety medication? A mood stabilizer? I clearly cannot be the only one! But yet, this doctor is depending on a letter from my psychiatrist to say I am "'suitable' to provide childcare" in order for him to sign off on my physical form so that I can legally work at this job.... wow, just wow.

Mind you, this is not my normal primary care physician. This was the first available appointment at my doctors office. But, what an ass. Seriously. I can't tell you how I felt. I couldn't even stand up for myself and say the simple, "But Doctor, I am a child life specialist, a national certified counselor, a board certified music therapist. I have clearances from the state of Pennsylvania that say I can work with children. How can you tell me that because I'm on medications I cannot work unless you have a letter from my psychiatrist that I'm having one hell of a time getting through on the phone to?"

It has been an emotionally taxing few days. To know that ONE doctor has the POWER to just take your strength, your structure, stability, and security away in the blink of an eye is debilitating. He has literally been taking my power on a string dangling it in front of my face. This is NOT okay.

So, I went back to the doctor yesterday to have my TB test read. They tell me, "the doctor isn't in today. You'll have to wait until he is here tomorrow to see what his decision is with the physical form."
Yes, seriously.

And so, I wait.

I need this job. In so many ways, I do. Energy gods, please be with me.

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